OpenStack cinder has the ability to do multiple backends, which is quite useful if you are running out of space on one type of storage and you need to put in additional/replacement storage.

It is relatively simple to migrate to multiple backends, just enclose your current backend under a section (e.g. [netapp]) and add in the enabled_backends options.


netapp_login = <login>
netapp_password = <password>
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver


enabled_backends = netapp
netapp_login = <login>
netapp_password = <password>
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver


One important thing to note is that with multiple backends, the host column in cinder DB will have the backend appended. You need to run the following on your cinder controller:

cinder-manage volume update_host --currenthost cinder-qh2-test --newhost 'cinder-qh2-test@netapp'

This updates the host colume of existing entries so that existing volumes can still be managed under the new format.